Receiver of the "2009 Ohtli Award" from the Mexican Government










Nationality:                        Mexican



Languages:                       Spanish









 Formal Education:         Open University, United Kingdom

                                             University diploma in Biology

                                             University certificate in Natural Science


      Nahuatl Studies:          University of Helsinki, Finland

                                             Nahuatl Intensive course, 1996, with Dr. Frances Karttunen


                                             Self-teaching, 1986/1996



Artícles published:

  • "The 'Posadas' of Mexico" (English) In FAO Gazette

  • "Chilli: one of Mexico's Contributions to the World" (English) In FAO Gazette

  • "Carta a Don Cristoforo" (Spanish) In FAO Gazette

  • "Sor Juana, el Fénix de México" (Spanish) In FAO Gazette   

  • "Mexico's Native Language and Writing System" (English) In FAO Gazette

  • “El concepto de la muerte en México” (Spanish) In FAO Gazette

  •  “La visione del mondo secondo il popolo messicano” (Italian) - In

    “Aprire la filosofia all’intercultura” (Quaderni dell’interculturalità #26) by Prof. Martin Nkafu, Gregorian University of Rome (Editrice Missionaria Italiana, 1993)                                              


25 years in the area of linguistic services in (1) the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome,

(2) United Nations World Food Council, Rome, (3) International Plant Genetic Resources Institute, Rome





2001, 2002, 2004, 2009 to date

Private Nahuatl lessons


March 2010

Lecture: The Historical Process of Nahuatl (in Italian) at the Italian-Latinoamerican Institute of Rome.



November 2007

Lecture: “History of Chocolate”, cultural association "Bioethics and Nutrition", Rome.


October 2004/March 2005

Consultancy and collaboration with Saint Cross Catholic University, Rome, in the translation of classical Nahuatl texts and interpretation of Aztec phylosophy for inclusion in the publication “Friendship as the main aim of the Nahua” and “The wishes of Poet King Nezahualcoyotl”.


February 2004

Lecture: “The Aztec Calendar” (in Italian), to the members of the cultural association “Culture and Art”,  Modena, Italy.


May 2003

Lecture: “Introduction to the History of Mexico” (in Italian), to the Combonian Missionaries Congregation of Rome.


February 2003

Lecture “Malinche: - Heroine or Traitor?” (in Spanish) to the Spanish-speaking Staff Association, FAO, Rome


February 2003

Lecture: “A comparison between the condition of women in pre-hispanic and contemporary Mexico" (in Italian). ”Pollicino” cultural association, Rome.


June 2002

Attendance at a Symposium on Mexican Codices, organized by the Vienna University and the Vienna Mexican Embassy, Austria


April 2002

Lecture: “Introduction to the Aztec Culture” (in Italian) to the Mexican Catholic Community of Rome.


September 2001

Lecture: “Aztecs and Art” (in Italian) at the Convention “Ardea meets the World – Why dance?”, Ardea (Rome).


February/March 2001

Private individual lessons on Mexican culture to students of the Roman University "La Sapienza" (Aztec history, religion, philosophy, mythology, etc.).


May/June 2000

Series of lectures on Aztec culture (in Spanish) (history, religion, language, writing system, calendar, the arts, daily life),

to members of the Spanish-speaking Staff Association, FAO, Rome.


February/March 2000

Series of lectures on Aztec culture (in Italian) to members of the Roman Archaeology Club.


March/April 1999

Series of lectures on Aztec culture to the members of the Mexican Folkloric Ballet "Los Rancheros, Rome:


October 1997

Voice recording of Nahuatl and Maya texts for the exhibition “World Writing Systems”, Folklore Museum of Rome, organized by the Assessorato alle Politiche Culturali of Rome


May 1994

Lecture: “Music and dance in Prehispanic Mexico” (in English), University of Helsinki, Finland.




Founder, Director and Choreographer of the Mexican Folklore Ballet "Los Rancheros", Rome. (


Last update September 2010